First Responder Resilience eBookBuild resilience with evidence based tools
First Responder Resilience eBookBuild resilience with evidence based tools
Resilience is like fitness; you have to train regularly to stay fit.You need to leverage skills to build and maintain resilience. Learn why first responders need more targeted tools.
"As a first responder, and emotional trauma instructor, I am so excited to see this resource on the market. This program comes from a good understanding of our world and is absolutely full of useful, applicable, real-world tools that we as responders can use. The dual goals of high performance and sustainability over a career match what all of us are looking for, and the practical, boots-on-the-ground approach is so refreshing."
~ Sarah Mielke, Fire/EMS, Founder Emotional Trauma Life Support (ETLS)
Our mission is to help first responders and cybersecurity professionals armor themselves to handle the cumulative stress load of their professions and reach personal work-life satisfaction.
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